Desert step 2 - glass / glass - modules

glass glass technology germany

Con­ven­tional mod­ules are cov­ered on the front side by trans­par­ent glass and the rear side con­sists of a plas­tic film. In glass / glass mod­ules, the film at the rear is re­placed by a sec­ond glass panel. This makes it highly ro­bust and durable.

The ben­e­fits

  • 2 mm cover glass, 2 mm glass on the back side 
  • Designed for deployment worldwide
  • large temperature range and high atmospheric humidity
  • Extreme stability and durability
  • Precise symmetry
  • No cell breakage
  • Less material and low weight, 10 kg/m2 
  • Frameless: better load distribution, less risk of breakage with wind and snow loads 
  • Simplified sub-construction (ideal for car ports, glasshouses and in-roof systems)
  • Flexibility with the design and dimensions 
  • PID free







Glass / film modules cooled as well as glass / glass modules cooled

glass  glass modules

These mod­ules have all the ben­e­fits of the glass / film de­sign vari­ants. At the same time, they counter the fact ef­fec­tively that the ef­fi­ciency of mod­ules di­min­ishes with ris­ing tem­per­a­ture. By cool­ing, the util­i­sa­tion may be en­hanced by up to 25 %.













Module technology - desert step 2