Desert step 1 - crystalline mono and multi-module

crystalline mono and multi module

In glass / film mod­ules, the solar cells lie be­hind a wafer made of highly trans­par­ent and hard­ened glass. In ad­di­tion, the J.v.G. desert mod­ules have a spe­cial anti-re­flex coat­ing, which en­hance the light trans­mis­sion con­sid­er­ably. More­over, they have a spe­cially de­vel­oped film (lam­i­nate pack­age), which has been de­signed for ex­treme tem­per­a­tures and hu­mid­ity. They are pro­tected on the back side with a ro­bust Ted­lar film. A ro­bust alu­minium frame pro­vides sta­bil­ity and fa­cil­i­tates in­stal­la­tion.
The Ben­e­fits

  • Highly robust aluminium frame (45 mm, snow load class III) 
  • Maximum energy output and high annual energy yield
  • PID free


Module technology - desert step 1