Desert module – a development having potential

Desert modules with high temperature resistance

 Why a desert module?

Solar en­ergy, today, is being pro­duced all over the world. Nonethe­less, it is par­tic­u­larly in the re­gions in which the sun has the max­i­mum power that mod­ules are often ex­posed to ex­tra­or­di­nary stresses. Ex­treme tem­per­a­tures and tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions, high at­mos­pheric hu­mid­ity, strong winds and sand­storms.

In sev­eral cases, of­f­grid de­ploy­ment is also nec­es­sary here. J.v.G. has ded­i­cated it­self to de­vel­op­ing mod­ule tech­nolo­gies that are adapted specif­i­cally to with­stand these ex­treme con­di­tions.

The Desert Mod­ule Tech­nol­o­gyTM achieves with the help of the so called high-power tem­per­a­ture process con­sid­er­able per­for­mance en­hance­ment ver­sus com­pa­ra­ble mod­ules.

General benefits of the J.v.G. desert module (HPTP Process Technology)

  • High temperature up to 125 °C continuous, 145 °C peak
  • Long service life: up to 75 years, guaranteed 45 years
  • 100 % recyclable
  • Higher yield
  • At present, already 5 % more power than conventional modules
  • PID free

PID: Po­ten­tial-in­duced degra­da­tion stands for the volt­age-re­lated degra­da­tion in power in crys­talline pho­to­voltaic mod­ules cause by so-called leak­age cur­rents. In case of high sys­tem volt­ages in the re­gion of 1,000 Volts, there may be leak­age cur­rent in the mod­ule, i.e. charge car­ri­ers flow through the em­bed­ded ma­te­r­ial and the back­side film. This may lead to elec­tro­chem­i­cal cor­ro­sion and thus, causes loss of power in the mod­ule.

The ef­fect oc­curs par­tic­u­larly at high tem­per­a­tures and high lev­els of at­mos- pheric hu­mid­ity (see the di­a­gram on the right); it may cause loss in power of up to 80 %.

Leakage current in the module as a function of temperature and humidity.